Revived Fern Fronds

In early May, I strolled through the woods along the Ice Age Trail, with a sense of wonder, on the lookout for wildflowers or anything that might capture my attention. Starting from Olsen Cabin, I meandered along the IAT for a bit before veering towards the John Muir Hiking-Biking Trails. It was there that I stumbled upon a section of land undergoing logging. The scene appeared as if a wave of destruction had just passed through, given its raw freshness.

Curious, I wandered along the edges of the logged area and noticed some ferns that seemed to have lost their vitality, appearing wilted and parched. I decided to sprinkle a bit of water from my bottle onto them before continuing my journey. As I retraced my steps on the way back, I couldn’t help but check on the ferns once more. To my delight, they had rebounded, their fronds perked up and radiating a healthy appearance.

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