Small White Lady Slippers


It was early evening. I had about 90 minutes of daylight left and a 20-minute drive. I hadn’t been out exploring for days because of heavy rain and storms. This evening, I wanted to go out, even for a bit before dark. I had a hunch or hope about where to find some White Lady Slippers. These orchids are native to Wisconsin.

The hunch was really just a lucky shot in the dark. These native orchids prefer sunny, open prairie-like areas, such as the areas along the marl pits. They don’t grow very tall; these plants were about 15″ tall.

I decided to explore Scuppernong Springs in Waukesha County. I parked and quickly headed down the trail to the marl pits. The sky was beautiful as the sun started to set. I found what I was looking for with enough light to take some pictures and enjoy their beauty. They had endured the heavy rain but still looked great to me.

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